Friday, February 13, 2009

Drs, Dentists, Hospitals, Oh My!

Is it just me, or has there seriously been a huge amount of people getting seriously sick lately? My friend's aunt dying, a boy in class blacking out, my uncle having a heart attack, my mom's boss having a stroke, a relative of a relative in the hospital, my cousin's brain seems freakishly never- ending. I even think im forgetting some, which is sorta bad...Not to mention all the crap with my possible lupus and ehler's-danlos syndrome... not that im sure i trust that particular doctor's judgement. for so many reasons...
and, of course, the dental crap. i wonder if it's possible to become immune to novacaine, cuz it didnt seem to be working on me so well today. like, ya know how if u take drugs often enough u start to need more and more of them to get high? it would suck if im becoming tolerant of novacaine... i think that's the terminology they use, something about tolerance.
anyway, do any of u know people getting sick? is it some sort of epidemic, although everything seems completely unrelated? or is it just me noticing things like this? or is it one huge coincidence? (i do actually believe in those, ive decided.)
and a little side note- remember caroling at the hospital, and they talked to us about volunteering? i went for an interview today, im gonna start doing that, either on weekends or this summer. there's a lot of programs they do, there's even a pre-med thing the lady was telling me about... well, actually this part i meant to direct at madison, because of allied medical, and i dont think she reads this anymore. w/e, ill try to mention it to her sometime.