Im leaving the Amoeba and getting new friends. I thought about this alot and I believe thats what I must do because I feel I have been pushed away for what I am. Im sorry that im doing this and im sorry that I feel this way. I will miss you guys alot but I think this is better for me.
hey, why are you leaving us? We aren't pushing you away why do you say that? We like you. What do you mean for what you are? I'm just seriously confused here cousin.
um, wat the hell is that supposed to mean? we didnt push u away, we just havent heard from u much lately...none of us care "wat u are". we've told u that, it doesnt matter to us. just because u have problems with one person doesnt mean u just "withdrawal" from an entire group, friendship isnt a membership u can just cancel when it gets to be inconvenient for u
I'm sorry I just cant do it anymore. I cant. I know I havent been with you guys alot. Thats not why I feel pushed away. I just cant do it anymore. Im sorry. This is hurting me so much more than it is probably hurting you. I'm sorry . It just has to happen.
I agree with beth. I don't understand at all! We've never pushed you away. sometimes its hard to coordinate hanging out with the entire group but we never want anyone to be left out purposely. "what you are" has never been an issue with us. we have a very diverse group of people; we are all so different. also, you make it sound like we're bad people. I, for one, am not a bad person and i dont think i've ever been mean to you. and ive never wanted to. your decision makes no sense to me.
You all are not bad people! This is my decision! George you have never been mean to me. I know that. Could you just respect my decision please...This isnt easy for me! And also its not because of "Hangout times." Just respect the decision. Please
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