Sunday, May 25, 2008


hey guys our boat is now fully operational (well we havent given it a test drive yet, but that will happen soon) as of this morning and we are open for towing people.  soph you definitely have to try before you head back to germany, you may never again get a chance to swim in a swamp :P
but anyways, lauen says (alot, might i add) that her jetskis will be useable this sumer and that she can tow people around as well.  A massive water-day would be fun, boat+jetskis, but it might be just a bit to hard to co-ordinate, so nvm.
in response to a few other posts about breaking dawn, what i am most interested in is what book/poem/concept the author will choose to base the book around this time.  im sure the book will be good and all that, but i just wonder what the theme will be.

oh just one more thing i must bore you with, you guys need to all lighten up (all of you) if you aren't invited to something, or one person forgot to come and thats 'mean', or well these people are being cranky, or this person is being better friends with this person rather than me, etc.  Thats life people.  Friends change, but if they are your friends, they'll stick up for you in the end.  Sorry i needed to say that.


1 comment:

Beth said...

i didnt know u were working on a boat! that's awesome. a water day would be cool...even without the use of champagne island, i suppose...darn birds can make their nest someplace else, dunno why they would like that open sandy sandbar...w/e. maybe over the sumemr a boating day would be possible...there will be a lot more days of the week that we'll have open, therefore more likelihood of not having plans on the same day...