Saturday, May 24, 2008

Stuff from Sophie

I went kanoeing!! And got soaking wet! On one of the coldest May days in history! Woo! So much fun. A couple ogf guys dressed up and built little clans as (singing) pirates, vikings, soldiers and Indians. And each clan tried to flip as many boats as possible. Fun times.
anyway. I decided that Peter is handsomer than Prince Caspian. I guess I just go more for the short blond hair than the long dark. And it's all about the hair. I just reasearched the movie in my obsessive-stalker nature and guess what: Ben Barnes aka Prince Caspian actually DID model his Spanish accent after ... Inigo Montoya!!
Lauren you are my hero! but I disagree with Beth's interpretation. If Edward tried to turn her and lost control she would be dead before she could even notice it. And Edward killing Bella would also majorily suck as an ending. Of course it could still be Edward she's talking about - just in a different context. But there is still another guy she loves and who has some pretty good reasons to be angry. and who genetically would be her arch-enemy after she's turned....

We should do something this weekend. Seriously. we haven't done anything for the past two weeks and some people I haven't seen in ages.
Love, Sophs


Beth said...

if edward lost control, she would have a moment of realizing it before she blacked out, i think. and all the other prefaces took place in about a moment's space, so why not this one too? tho i doubt that would be the ending, ending. maybe someone would stop him? idk...y am i commenting u, ur right outside...

Anonymous said...

yeah soph, the crowd should definitely do something this weekend. like maybe monday? idk, maybe ice cream!