it's so exciting! Well. No. It's actually kind of weird. I'm having a major culture shock . But anyway.
My cats recognized me!! Not that I ever doubted they would. And they were so happy to see me! Or at least Foxi was. He wouldn't let go of me until, like now. Fix was very irritated. He threw up and peed on my bed within the first 60 minutes of my arrival. And he doesn't like, that I'm taking over "his" room. So all in all he's taking it a lot better than I had expected. When I came home, my neighbors had decorated my room with flowers and pretty paperthings (I forgot the word in englsih) and a sign that said "Welcome Back". I nearly cried. A couple hours later my little neighbor aka little adopted brother came over and gave me flowers. Aw! He has grown so much!
A lot of things have changed. Little things like new furniture and new stores, and big things like... well, me. It's hard to get used to. When I went to America, I knew that things would be different, but coming back I expected it all to be the same. Which it pretty much is, I guess. But I don't fit in it like I used to. People here look so evil. In a high-heels, dead-baby-cow-purse way. And everybody thinks I'm American! Apparently I have a strong American accent. Great. So I speak English with German accent and German with an english accent. I'm probably going to be known as the girl with the accent for the rest of my life. I like pretending that I'm American, by the way. I did it first in Frankfurt, when we missed our flight, cause I felt like yelling at the airline people for their supid German-ness. But I did it in the airplane too, cause I didn't know whether I should use the formal or the informal "you" with the guy next to me (only english doesnt have this stupid formal/informal) business. It might have confused him, since I was redaing a german book... also, I find myself saying "Thank you" and "I'm sorry" to random people in the subway. And once in a while I catch myself in the middle of an english sentence. Ooops. But I'm actually considering to use a fake American identity in public. People are nicer to you. And if they say something you don't wanna hear, you can just pretend to not understand... name suggestions are welcome.
I have to continue unpacking now. There's not enough space for all my stuff!!! My little room is so messy that it scares even me - and that is saying something. Oh, and I have to study french cause I have French School for the next weeks =(
Au revoir,
the girl with the accent
Sophie I love you! And miss you. As for acting like an American you might not like it after a while. >.<
Give Gibson a hug for all of us.
haha, u dont need a new name the be american, we have the name sophie we just say it different. but if u really want one...well the most popular american girl names are ashley, morgan, chelsea, kaity (ha), that type. ;-)
Sophie, you are the most amazing "girl with an accent" I will ever meet! Love you, sis!
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