Monday, July 21, 2008

videos and blogs

I have decided to lift my blog's imaginary curtain. I don't expect anybody to actually read it, though. I mean, that would be great, but I dont think the stuff there would interest you so much... You can get to it by clicking on my name at the bottom of this page or you can go over the adress:

As you might remember, I ran around with a videocamera a couple of times in the past months. I've started digitalizing the tapes and ... today i tailored the first Amoeba video out of it and uploaded it on our channel! Check it out! Either on our channel , or right below this post.

I've also (rather accidentaly) started on working today on a very secret nerdfighter project, that I've been planning to do for a while and which will be subject of at least one video. It will be made of awesome, in a totally altruistic way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oo my nose tingles with excitement, what has my evil german twin cooked up that is nerfighterish? i await the unveiling of said project with eagerness