Friday, July 11, 2008


Beth, you have a point. Jessica is very very annoying. But she might actually be to blame for the imfamous Meadow kiss.
But still:
The line is "do you think saturday..."
"i really doubt it"

Thats from memory too. lol


Anonymous said...

maybe i could simply become a psycologist. i always wanted to do that. and i could help people who have addictions to twilight. i could call it "twilight-oholics anonymous". i could make some serious cashola... =]. well, only take twilight in moderate doses, and remember, the first step to recovery is admitting that you're addicted. if anyone wants to come to me for twilight therapy, then im me at beanabug93! i think if you talk to me you can relieve your addiction a little and then i won't have to put you into a home. or an asylum. =] now you don't really want to be kept in a padded room in a straightjacket, now do you? no, i didn't think so...

Anonymous said...

sorry, that was kathleen too. lol. and this time i spelled psychologist. wrong. haha. ok sorry . i should really read over these first before i post them. lol. ok, bye!


Lauren! said...

honestly? Being in a padded room in a straightjacket sounds pretty darn fun right about now. And because I am addicted, I feel the need to say I like being addicted. If I wasn't, me and Robert would be in for a pretty sucky marriage