Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Further obsessing in my boredom...

You all are going to laugh at me...

... I found a Twilight band.

I was bored and on Stephenie's website. I decided to go on twilightteez.com to see if there was any new stuff. There was this huge banner advertising t-shirts for a band so i was like ooh! twilight music! so i searched them on myspace and listened to the songs. The music is actually really good, if a bit slow. It's like Wrock - Twilight style! yay!
Give them a listen: http://www.myspace.com/mitchhansenband
The song called Jacob Black is really funny.
It made me happy that there were two downloadable songs! ;-)
so... yeah... now my music is even more geeky on my ipod...



Sophie said...

I LOVE THE BAND!!! Thanks, george!

Beth said...

omg, twilight is SO not geeky! how dare u even suggest it! all the emo girls that like it sure wont appreciate that comment, haha. not that any of us r emo...does the band have lyrics posted? if not, ill listen 2 them via u, somewhere, sometime in the vague and possibly distant future. urgh, summer schedule being even more hectic than school sucks...not have gills sucks...they would really help while swimming, u know.

Sophie said...

they have all their ( his? It might be a one-man band) songs on youtube and at least one comes with written out lyrics. It loads pretty fast. The lyrics are extremely close to the books and use a lot of the metaphors and images that stephenie uses. And yes: I am so weird and bored that I already listened to all their songs.