Saturday, July 19, 2008

random band stuff that aint really important

ok why does my radio station always play house of wolves by mcr? i mean i love the song but it gets repetetive. ah whatever.
anyhoo, news from the band that you may or may not care about, we will be actually recording some stuff this week and sticking it up on myspace. We are working to (gasp) play stuff that sounds good instead of brandon trying to just do complex/heavy stuff. anyhoo
the songs in the works are a cover of 'push' by matchbox 20, 'Angel' the first song with the music written by me, dedicated to madison, of course. And 'close' the first song co-written by ryan. That one is dedicated to Tozer.
oh yeah we have a dillemma, should we have meghan mehan, whos a reeeaaly emotional sounding amazing singer, but shes picky abourt what she sings, or madison who has a very sweet voice and would sing along to a buzzsaw but isnt as skilled. rrrrrrrr decisions.
anyway sorry for bugging you guys just figured id spew some things that had been bothering me.

peace y'all


Sophie said...

Matchbox 20 cover and joe-song!! Yay!

George said...

Yay matchbox twenty!!! I think they should both sing!!! meghan and madison are just both sooo good!