Friday, April 18, 2008

Sophie has a ... just kidding

I realized something today. Something terrible. Really, really terrible. Prom is in seven days.
Would anyone care to give me emotional support next Saturday? I'll be hyperventilating in a huge gown and it's most likely gonna be pretty hilarious to watch. Then I'll get picked up by Michael and a couple of other seniors in a limo and probably get so nervous that I forget all my English and start talking in weird languages. Which means I'll need people who understand my sophie-ness and can translate to Michael.
Okay, here is the plain truth: I'm really scared and I need you. Prom is so amazing to me and I wanna share that memory with people who actually matter to me.
So this is the plan for whoever volunteers: Saturday at around 4, people could come over and watch me having a breakdown till 6 something. Afterwards you could just go on having the usual amoeba-party. Tell me what you think about that
love, Sophs

P.S.: ...Seven days....

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