Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I have been neglecting the blogs. Why do I say blogs. Well that's because yes I had not posted on my blog too. *gasp* I have been to into the books I have been reading (NOT BREAKING DAWN) and other stuff I have not had time to sit down and tell you guys whats up.

I have regained my love for Doctor Who. (Check out my blog post today on my personal blog to kind of find out why. If anyone is in the mood to hang out sometime. I don't know when to watch as much Doctor Who as we can before my Mother yells at me. That would be great. I think we should show each other the side of ourselves we don't normally show. Like how I am a slight Anglophile. Meaning I like many things that come from England and the UK, sometimes maybe even more then I do like things from the US. >.<>

Sorry for this being long and kind of vloggy. I have been watching the Fiveawesomegirls for a while now and just got into the guys. I wish I had my own camera to do my own vlogging but not yet. one day. And if you guys want ot read more about my ramblings and everything I post more often and longer on my personal blog. Link up above but here it is again.

My five Favorite Hobbies.

1. Doctor Who.
2. Harry Potter
3. Studing famous English Authers. Jane Austen and C.S. (Clive Staples) Lewis are my two favorite.
4. Writing
5.Drawling. I am not halfbad I just never really show people outside the family my work.

Sorry again for it being to long. Forgive me. And please don't toss my idea aside.


Keri Mikulski said...

Yay! You're back. :)

Anonymous said...

are you #%*#&(*^ kidding me? ive wanted to go to england forever, i imitate a british accent all the time just cause i like the sound of it and my hat, well, you know about that, and terry pratchett rules.
you really need to start being less like me im creeped out lol

Kaitlyn said...

I am Back!

And Joe you stop being so much like me! Your the one creeping me out.

Sophie said...

Terry Pratchett owns the world. At öeast the flat one. I can't really give qualified judgement on the accent though