Saturday, August 16, 2008

This post comes in six sections:

1. the other day, dad and I watched a satire about a guy getting lost in the criminal world of Potsdam, a smalltown right next to Berlin. It was basically a hunt between various types of mafia, prostitutes and car-thiefs. Naturally, after watching that, we really felt like going there. So we did. And it was awesome. We took a walk on one of the lakes went into some castles and I worked on my project for awesomeness, to which I shall dedicate a video some time.

2. My friend Selina and I started a new collective-diary. basically, we just write our diary in a notebook, which we exchange regularly. We have been doing that for three years now (with a ten month break due to america), filling seven notebooks and I gotta say: it's totally awesome. Most of our life over the past years is documented in there and it's so much fun to read them. Also, it's a great way to communicate and keep in touch. I really recommend it. But concerning this blog (which is kinda similiar to the diary-project), it also made me realize, that there is a huge difference between having somerhing on a screen and having something that you can actually, physically touch. So here's my suggestion - I think somebody once mentioned something like that before: Let's look for a way to make this blog into a book. maybe print it out and bind it, or something. we could do it for some special occasion, like on the blog's 1st anniversary or New Year's or so. The blog is such an amazing Amoeba - document, and wouldn't it be really cool if some day, when we are all old and wrinkly and google inc. has long been destroyed by viruses, we would have something to show to our kids or on Madison&Joe's 50th wedding anniversary, or just to look at by ourselves , and remember what crazy little buggers we once were? Just a thought...

3. The Kafka- book club. The easiest place to use would probably be my personal blog. Just leave a comment and I'll send you an author-invitation. We can discuss all the details here.

4. I found out where and with whom I will live in boarding school! The room is right next to the internet - room! So I will be able to keep emailing you and posting ridiculously long posts! YAY!

5. Right before going to bed yesterday, I checked on the vlogbrothers channel and there was a new video, posted one (!!!!) minute earlier. I was the very first person to watch it! I know, it's pretty sad, that I get excited over something like that. But still.

6. I will finish this humungus post now, because a friend should arrive any minute to start The Great
Gilmore Girls Marathon with me. Ah Gilmore Girls. My idols, my inspiration.



Kaitlyn said...

Mine comes in parts too.

lmao. Sophie I love you.
I have been first for a vlog brothers video once. When I was under a different channel title. So I know how your feeling.

I love your parts you and I I think should get metals for posting the longest post in the amoeba.

I think making the blog into a book would be cool but it would take a long time.

Lauren and I have the book of awesome where we have to write different things the other person tells us to. It's like our vlogbrother/fiveawesomegirl project.

I was reading other some of the first post on the blog. Wow we have changed a lot since those post. We talk about more and strangers things.

How will you be getting your mail when your at school? We want your friends to see all the strange things we send you.

I wonder. Maybe Free Monkey should spend sometime in Germany.

George said...

madison and joe's 50th anniversary! ahahhahahahhahahahhahaha i love you soph.

and i looooove the diary idea. ive always wanted to do that with someone. hmm....

Sophie said...

Highfive for long posts!! Monkey! Diary is awesome! wee!! Love all of you!!