Friday, August 1, 2008

You all know what i'm gonna write about agust 1st...

As I write this, the release of Breaking Dawn is less than 4 hours away. this feels very epic. I reserved a copy yesterday - but it's going to come out even later than agust 4th! Not fair. when I went to reserve it, I got to order the bookstore guy even more copies!! Which fits perfectly into my current project (working title:"Spreading the Awesome") . I don't know how you think about it, but I got very scared by the Qoutes of the Day. But today's quote really sums up how i feel about the twilight series ending just one year after Harry Potter did : Should we be afraid? Terrified.
Today was the last day of French School! Weee! That means of course: I'm starting Spanish next Monday.
After another week of green-partying, there are some very very disturbing things going on. At the last meeting - it wasn't even a real meeting, we were just preparing some props for a demonstration- this random guy walked who nobody knew. We have new people all the time, which is awesome, but this guy was one of the most annoying people I've met in a really long time. He got on everyone's nerves immediately. But the very worst thing about it? He went to my boarding school. And he told me about it for hours. and hours. and hours. Now I'm really scared - what if they are all like that? I have to live with these people!! then I started reading Nietzsche (very famous philosopher, do u know him ?) who went to my school, too. more than a century ago. but still. Reading his books was maybe even more disturbing than meeting that jerk. It's a close head-to-head.
Have fun tonight!!! oh, one thing - I'm not gonna go on the blog till I get my book, but please, you know, dont write anything spoiler-ish in your msn/facebook/myspace - thingies. Not that you would, but just making sure. It would be kind of depressing if i opened facebook and something like : "Oh my god, I can't believe Bella ran away with Mike Newton and Jake turned gay when he saw Edward in a tux!!" it would kind of spoil the reading....

Again: Have fun tonight! And take paperbags with you, in case you start hyperventilating. And don't kill the bookstore person. And don't forget to breathe, once you get the book in your hands. That would kind of cut the reading experience short.


Beth said...

soph, i told u b4, ppl r diverse. u will find SOMEONE u like in school. i promise.
haha, the book comes out in more than 4 hours...ur forgetting the time difference. by the time u get this it might not matter, but u know how picky i am ;-).
and i seriously doubt jake would go gay for edward. seth, maybe. but that would make me sad, considering hes the only one actually MY age...haha. and who the heck would choose mike newton over edward?? or jake, but im on team edward. haha.

Kaitlyn said...

Sophie I won a shirt and to be first in line. But because I was not buying the book they took the shirt. I did not know I didn't have to have a reserved copy if I was picked first so I gave it up. But I am okay with it now. I get to wait with you. =]

Sophie said...

aw! That's really unfair! But yay me that we'll get to wait together!

Anonymous said...

hmm, on twilight, i am anxious to read it to see if several theories get sorted out, and to see if mrs meyer has continued to stalk me to create edward.
on neiche or however you spell it, he was one disturbed tude. he advocated nihilism at one point in his life, but how can you believe in a concept of not believing in anything, ja?

Lauren! said...

but edward isnt all Joe. He has some ice cubes thrown in as well...

And, seeing as I did finish it Soph, I promise that Jacob is gay, and that he mysteriously turned into a whale. hehehe (kidding)